
Visa-Exempt Entry

Tourist visas for Taiwan can be obtained from Taiwan embassies, consulates, or designated representative offices in foreign countries. Citizens of the following countries (please refer to Visa-Exempt Entry) are eligible for visa-free entry to Taiwan at any of its major international airports and harbors.

Regulation of Visa-Exempt Entry and Landing Visas for Foreigners

Online Application for R.O.C. (Taiwan) Travel Authorization Certificate

Applicable to citizens of India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia and Lao, please visit Online Application for R.O.C. (Taiwan) Travel Authorization Certificate website.

eVisa Application

Nationals of the following countries are eligible for an eVisa when they meet relevant criteria: Bahrain, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Dominica, Ecuador, Kiribati, Kuwait, Mauritius, Montenegro, Oman, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Solomon Islands, Turkiye, United Arab Emirates, Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina. For more information, please visit eVisa Application website.


  • 香港澳門居民申請來臺之應備文件及注意事項:
    • 如欲以網路臨時停留許可(網簽)申請者,請參考相關連結:移民署首頁→申辦服務→申辦須知→香港澳門居民→停留→申辦業務:港澳居民網路申請臨時停留許可(網簽)。
    • 如欲至境外人士線上申辦系統申請入出境證者,請參考相關連結:移民署首頁→申辦服務→申辦須知→香港澳門居民→停留→申辦業務:香港澳門居民來臺停留線上申請入出境許可證送件須知。
  • 大陸地區人民:
    • 自112年9月1日上午9時起受理赴國外及港澳留學、工作、取得當地依親居留權及永久居留權之大陸地區人民申請來臺觀光,詳情請見申辦流程
    • 大陸地區人民來臺入出境許可證申請請聯繫大會秘書處

For more information about getting visas and other required documents for your visit, please refer to the following web pages:

 Important Dates 

Abstract Submission Deadline: 
2023/06/30 (Friday)
2023/06/16 (Friday)

Notification of Abstract Acceptance:
2023/07/21 (Friday)
2023/07/07 (Friday)

Early Bird Registration Deadline:
2023/08/11 (Friday)
2023/08/04 (Friday)

Regular Registration Deadline:
2023/09/15 (Friday) 

On-site Registration: